Excellent, comprehensive article. You've given me a lot to ponder here.

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Great read, thank you.

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Great article! It reminds me of something Spengler said about the Roman people. Can't remember the exact quote, but it went something like this: "When Hannibal was at the gate, being Roman meant being part of a people. When Trajan was emperor, being Roman meant being part of a population".

It does make me wonder about the future of Europe. With the onset of mass immigration, will the words "French, English, German, Dutch, Spanish" simply become terms to describe a population? Or will there come forth a pan-european nationality to resist the "new europeans"? Very interesting to think about

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This gave me a new perspective on what's happening politically in my home state (nation?) of Utah. Dems of course want Utah to be absorbed into the State (centralized government). Cox (current governor), Romney, and their ilk want that too. The rest of us (probably 50%-ish of the state, so small majority of Republicans) want to be the State of Utah, with a unique identity that's not part of the corrupt regime in charge of all things federal. We like Utah as a semi-autonomous political entity w/in the geopolitical boundaries of the USA.

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Very edifying read, thank you.

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Great read

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I remember recommending Dancing in the Glory of Monsters to you a few years ago. If you want to read another book about Congo, I recommend Congo Chief of Station by Devlin

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The case of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey would also have been interesting.

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As American state services decline in quality and availability I imagine there will be more national institutions for American nationals.

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